

Download Installer

The Windows Installer can be downloaded here: IIoT Building Blocks Downloads


1. Invoke the installer:     Browser installer

2. Read the End User License Agreement, accept it if necessary and press Install. Otherwise press Cancel to abort the installation.

Browser installation 0

Optional: Select the installation directory in Options.

Browser installation 1

3. Wait a second...

Browser installation 2

4. The installation has been completed successfully. Press Close.

Browser installation 4

5. The OPCUA Browser can now be started via start menu.

Browser shortcut


The Docker image can be downloaded here: IIoT Building Blocks Downloads

1. Loading the image


x.x.x.x must be replaced by the current version!


If rancher-desktop is used with containerd, docker must be replaced by nerdctl.

docker load -i iTE-SI_OPCUABrowser-x.x.x.x.tar.gz
2. Start container:

docker run -p 8001:8001 ite-si/opcua-browser:vx.x.x

The browser has differnet configuration options: Browser Konfiguration

To save the browser settings persistently, the configuration folder in the container must be mapped to a folder in the host system.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /path/to/config.json:/opt/ite-si/opcua-browser/config.json ite-si/opcua-browser:vx.x.x