Release Notes

v2.4.0 (05.04.2023)


  • Added global JSON output settings (MQTT output symbols)
  • Automatically generate certificates for OPCUAConnection


  • Handling influx urls with appropriate set path segment, e.g. https://myhost/influxdb
  • Connect correctly to MQTT broker using TLS
  • HTTP REST fixes for OPCUAEventListener symbol (query, patch)
  • Minor issues during shutdown procedure

v2.3.0 (01.12.2023)


  • Added name query parameter to /connections and /symbols endpoints
  • Implemented new Symboltype OPCUAEventListener


  • introducing (default) HTTP connect timeout 5 seconds to speed up influx failure detection
  • conversion of OPC UA boolean values to internal data structure
  • handle mass update for OPCUASubscription and deadband gracefully
  • do not lookup localhost hostname for resolved OPC UA url
  • use IPv4 Addresses when replacing the OPC UA url
  • Influx1Connection did not respect failover timeout when creating the database
  • respecting the debugEventloop flag correctly
  • reconfiguring the influx connection URL do not prevent the influx connection to fail to restart
  • prevent crash on browsing UA server capabilities on python asyncua server

v2.2.6 (22.08.2023)


  • Handle interaction with older Collector App versions gracefully without appearing offline
  • Prevent iTE-SI_Collector migrate-v1 subcommand from crashing
  • Restart OPCUAConnection when authentication or certificate settings have changed
  • Prevent crash on invalid configured certificate for OPCUAConnections

v2.2.5 (02.03.2023)


  • Add missing license status to connection objects

v2.2.4 (15.02.2023)


  • Added [log] flushOnMessage in service.toml to enforce logging of all messages
  • Added [general] debugEventloop to service.toml for improved debugging capabilities if necessary
  • Improved type information retrieval (espectially for Siemens PLC) custom datatypes


  • Improved REST API performance which prevents Collector-App to falsely assume collector has gone down
  • OPCUASubscription respects failover timeout now correctly
  • OPCUASubscription sends relative and absolute deadband options correctly to the OPC UA server
  • Fixed a bug where connection statistics were not shown in the collector app

v2.2.3 (17.10.2022)


  • Fixed a crash in Collector when the statistics were written into an influx db but connection was down

v2.2.2 (2022-09-22)


  • Crash on Windows Collector when connection is closed by OPC UA server during encrypted connection
  • Log file output improved on invalid shutdown/crash

v2.2.1 (2022-09-09)


  • Installation could fail when a newer version of vcredist.exe was already installed

v2.2.0 (03.08.2022)

Collector supports join operations on Influx1Measurement and MQTTPublishTopicObject.


Collector v2.2.0 can be configured completely with Collector App v2.1.X.


  • Configured multiple upstreams in Influx1Measurement and MQTTPublishTopicObject are valid
  • Join operates by combining the timestamps on a best-effort basis


  • Internal library upgrades
  • Prevent Data Collector hanging during shutdown in rare cases
  • Add missing metadata 'Host' for OPC UA BulkRead symbols
  • Linear transformation was not applied in MQTTPublishTopicObject

v2.1.0 (14.06.2022)

Introduction of OPC UA BulkRead input symbol and MQTT connection and two MQTT output symbols that write data points in json format to the broker.


Collector App 2.1.X can configure the new symbols. Collector App 2.0.X cannot display or configure new types.


  • OPC UA BulkRead symbol
    • OPC UA Server uses trigger mechanism to identify new data point
    • Parallel read of multiple OPC UA nodes into a structure
    • Optional handshake with OPC UA server: collector has read the new datapoint(s), collector has written the new datapoint(s) to the output (Influx and MQTT supported)
  • MQTT for writing data points to the MQTT broker
    • Data points are sent using JSON
    • Configuration of MQTT Topics
    • Data points can be sent plainly (MQTTPublishTopicPlain) or as json object including timestamp, status, value and other metadata (MQTTPublishTopicObject)


  • Fixed file structure issues with docker image

v2.0.1 (20.09.2021)


  • Upgraded OPC UA stack to support string-based NodeIds in type descriptions


  • Fixed sampling interval issues in OPCUASubscription
  • Bumped dependent libraries
  • Fixed links information displayed in Collector-App

v2.0.0 (24.06.2021)

  • Initial release of version 2.0.