

Download Installer

The Windows Installer can be downloaded here: IIoT Building Blocks Downloads


1. Invoke the installer.     Collector installer

2. Read the End User License Agreement, accept it if necessary and press Install. Otherwise press Cancel to abort the installation.

Collector installation 0

Optional: Select the installation directory in Options.

Collector installation 1

3. Wait a second...

Collector installation 2

4. Optional: The iTE-SI_Collector requires the CodeMeter Runtime. If this is not available on your computer, it will be installed by a separate installer that runs automatically. Otherwise this section will be skiped.

Collector installer

CodeMeter installation 0

On the second page of the CodeMeter Runtime installer you have to read and accept an end user license agreement.

CodeMeter installation 1

After that just press Next a few times, Install and Finish.

CodeMeter installation 2

CodeMeter installation 3

CodeMeter installation 4

CodeMeter installation 5

After the installation of the CodeMeter Runtime, the installation of the collector continues.

5. The installation has been completed successfully. Press Close.

Collector installation 4

6. The Collector can now be started via start menu.


The Docker image can be downloaded here: IIoT Building Blocks Downloads

1. Loading the image


x.x.x.x must be replaced by the current version!


If rancher-desktop is used with containerd, docker must be replaced by nerdctl.

docker load -i iTE-SI_Collector-x.x.x.tar.gz
2. Start container:

docker run -p 8001:8001 ite-si/collector:vx.x.x

The collector can be configured using environment variables. For example:

docker run -p 8001:8001 -e COLLECTOR_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL=debug ite-si/collector:vx.x.x

For more on configuration, see: Collector configuration

To save the collector settings persistently, the configuration folder in the container must be mapped to a folder in the host system.

docker run -p 8001:8001 -e COLLECTOR_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/ite-si/collector -v .config/collector:/etc/ite-si/collector ite-si/collector:vx.x.x