Download Installer
The Windows installer can be downloaded here: IIoT Building Blocks Downloads
1. Run the installer.
2. Read the end user license agreement, accept it if necessary and press Install
. Otherwise press Cancel to abort the installation.
Optional: Press Options to select the location.
3. Wait a short time.
4. The installation was completed successfully. Press Close.
5. The Collector App can now be started from the Start menu.
The Docker image can be downloaded here: IIoT Building Blocks Downloads
1. Loading the image
x.x.x.x must be replaced by the downloaded version!
If rancher-desktop is used with containerd, docker must be replaced by nerdctl.
docker load -i iTE-SI_Collector-App-x.x.x.tar.gz
2. Start container:
docker run -p 4000:4000 ite-si/collector-app:vx.x.x
The collector app can be configured using environment variables. For example:
docker run -p 4000:4000 -e COLLECTOR_APP_CORS_ORIGIN="https://hostname" -e COLLECTOR_APP_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_URL="https://hostname/api/graphql" -e COLLECTOR_APP_PUBLIC_WS_URL="wss://hostname/api/subscriptions" ite-si/collector-app:vx.x.x
For more on configuration, see: Collector App Configuration.
To save the Collector App settings persistently, the folder with the SQLite database in the container must be mapped to a folder in the host system.
docker run -p 4000:4000 -v .config/collector-app:/var/lib/collector-app ite-si/collector-app:vx.x.x